Our Authority & Charter
Declaration & Charter
Pursuant to a declaration dated 25 March 2010, the signatories thereto provided a broader mandate for worldwide education centered on Consciousness Based Education-CBE, and to work together to promote, strengthen, disseminate and advance knowledge through research on indigenous rural, art & culture, science, management, technology and peace studies. Based on this mandate, Young Scientists University- YSU was established and incorporated in USA for its global outreach. Corporate number 100615573.
Journey Year 2010- Year 2017
Col Dr. Gunter Chasse who represented the Council of the Global Country of World Peace became its first Chancellor, while Dr. Susie Dilbeck, Member of the Board of Trustees of Maharishi University of Management, USA and The President of IFCBE, USA, was appointed to the Senate. Dr. Taddy Blecher was nominated to the International Council.
Dame Dr. Aspasia Peppa from Greece was appointed as International Director for Europe & Subsequently Sir Dr. Roland Yakoubov was appointed as Director, USA, also YSU announced affiliation with Roland Bioenergy Healing Institute, USA.