Core Values & Commitments
Core Values
Equality in Learning : YSU very strongly believes in promoting diversity and providing equal learning opportunities to all without discrimination to gender, socioeconomic status, cultural background, racial minority, color fluidity, ethnic origin, and physical deformity.
Respect All :YSU respects & values the dignity of all at workplace and thereby care for individual’s sensitivity, passion, interests, potential, fervor, understanding and belief system. We encourage our community to treat all individuals with same reverence.
Technology Adoption : Online and distance education is not possible without embracing technology. Yet newer teaching methods involving internet & cloud technologies have been tried & adopted by YSU to create a virtual classroom and research environment for its students.
Collaborative Learning : YSU forms a coalition of likeminded educational institutions from across the globe to nurture best of learning through exchange of faculties & students.
Mind Creativity : From innovative teaching techniques to advanced methodologies to state of the art technology to mutually affable student mentorship to ever changing research yard sticks… YSU encourages creativity to its full advantage.
Excellent Teaching : Despite virtual methods, YSU leaves no stone unturned to maintain excellent teaching environment using numerous knowledge sharing resources from across the globe bringing only the latest in education for its students.
Integrity : Teacher- student relationship knows no other values but trust. YSU advocates its values and keeps commitments to its community through integrity & efficacy.
Global Principles & Commitments:
- Promote sustainability through education.
- Provide an opportunity for every abled individual to acquire the higher education.
- Build, enhance & maintain capacity in higher education systems across the globe.
- Empower global citizenship through education.
- Fight poverty through education.
- Provide equal opportunities of education to all people regardless of gender, race, culture, religion or ethnicity.
- Bring peace and conflict resolution through education.
- Work towards uplifting global values that education seeks to promote and help fulfil.
- The cause of human rights, among them freedom of inquiry, opinion, and speech.
- Promote global inter-cultural conflicts and secularism through education.